Book Review: The Scorch Trials
Hello Internet!
If you're up to date with my Monthly Book Reviews, you'll know that I'm currently reading the Maze Runner series. If you haven't already checked it out, click here to find out what I thought of the first book.
So, of course, after reviewing the first book, I had to read to rest of the series and write a review on them too. I actually finished to Scorch Trials near the beginning of the month, so I'm going to have to stretch back my memory a bit.

The Scorch Trials (Book two of The Maze Runner Series)
James Dashner
Young Adult Fiction/Sci-Fi/ Post-Apocalyptic Fiction
After escaping the Maze, Thomas and the other surviving Gladers begin to feel like they're finally safe. After only a few hours, however, they are proven wrong and are in danger once again. In a daunting world full of infected crazy people - known as Cranks - they must survive with barely any supplies. With a cruel combination of the conditions, creatures and WICKED, making it to the so-called 'Safe-Haven' and escaping WICKED's experiment seems almost impossible.
My Thoughts and Opinions:
I think that this book definitely lived up to my expectations after the first one. The biggest flaw for the first book was that it had taken a while to get going, but this book doesn't have that problem at all. It's fast-paced, exciting and full of tension and plot-twists.
I absolutely love the new characters that are brought in, especially Brenda. I think she's a good representation of a strong, independent woman. I also like Jorge because he brings some humour to the book and, somehow, manages to lighten it up a bit.
If there's one negative that I had to pick out, it would have to be the lack of Newt. He just doesn't seem to appear much in this book - or maybe that's just me imagining things because he's the best character ever... Anyway, I'm calling for an entire book about Newt. Anybody agree?
Young Adult Fiction/Sci-Fi/ Post-Apocalyptic Fiction
After escaping the Maze, Thomas and the other surviving Gladers begin to feel like they're finally safe. After only a few hours, however, they are proven wrong and are in danger once again. In a daunting world full of infected crazy people - known as Cranks - they must survive with barely any supplies. With a cruel combination of the conditions, creatures and WICKED, making it to the so-called 'Safe-Haven' and escaping WICKED's experiment seems almost impossible.
My Thoughts and Opinions:
I think that this book definitely lived up to my expectations after the first one. The biggest flaw for the first book was that it had taken a while to get going, but this book doesn't have that problem at all. It's fast-paced, exciting and full of tension and plot-twists.
I absolutely love the new characters that are brought in, especially Brenda. I think she's a good representation of a strong, independent woman. I also like Jorge because he brings some humour to the book and, somehow, manages to lighten it up a bit.
If there's one negative that I had to pick out, it would have to be the lack of Newt. He just doesn't seem to appear much in this book - or maybe that's just me imagining things because he's the best character ever... Anyway, I'm calling for an entire book about Newt. Anybody agree?
So, that's the end of October's review! Like I said before, I finished this book right at the beginning of the month, which means that I'm already part-way through The Death Cure. Therefore, as you probably guessed, November's review will be the final book of the series (before the prequels).
I hope you enjoyed this post and I highly recommend reading The Maze Runner series, if you haven't already.
Thanks for reading,
Elsie A xx