
Monday, 5 December 2016

BLOGMAS DAY 5 - Recommened Vlogmas Channels

Hello Internet!
In today's post, I'm going to give a few examples of some great YouTube Channels which do Vlogmas. If anybody doesn't know, Vlogmas is when YoutTubers post a vlog (a video blog) every day until Christmas. So, basically, it's the video version of what I'm doing.
I hope you enjoy!

1) Zoella

If you haven't already, you should definitely go and check out Zoe's Channels. Both her main and vlogging channels are so entertaining to watch and I watch her videos all-year round.
But, of course, the best time of year - especially for her second channel - is definitely Christmas. Her Vlogmas is my absolute favourite and I love how much she is obsessed with Christmas.
A thing that never fails to disappoint is her Vlogmas intro. I LOVE this year's intro - it's the most adorable thing you'll ever see. The first time I saw it, I kept re-winding the video to watch it again.
Also, she does a lot of Christmas-themed videos on her main channel.

2) ThatcherJoe (Joe Sugg)

Not to be predictable or anything, but my next recommendation is Joe Sugg, the brother of Zoe Sugg (Zoella). Now, if you've ever watched Joe's Vlogmas you'll know that his videos aren't as thought out as his sister's and his intros aren't quite as...pleasing.
However, Joe's personality really makes up for this as he's genuinely one of the funniest people ever. It's pretty much impossible to get through one of his videos without laughing.
The best thing about Joe's Vlogmas is the fact that you get a vlog from him every day.

3) Tanya Burr

Now, I don't really watch Tanya's videos all-year-round. I watch some occasionally but not as much as other YouTubers. However, I really like her Vlogmas videos. I think it's because she just seems to love Christmas so much and I can relate so much.

So, that's everything for today's post. I know it's quite short but I hope you still found it interesting. If you ever find yourself bored, I definitely recommend you watched these Vlogmas channels .
There are also loads of other channels out there which you could watch too!

Thanks For Reading,
Elsie A 🎄

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